Some people may have noticed that I haven't been blogging much lately.
While many are probably applauding that fact, the reason is I've been doing a lot of this instead:
Work has been very stressful. There have been many 'issues' to deal with. In IT, we never have problems. That would be an admission that something has gone wrong, or, more specifically, that one of us has screwed up. Instead, we have 'issues'.
This is how the corporate world maintains face and denies responsibility for anything - by inventing vague, newspeak terms which kinda sound like explanations of what's happening without explaining anything useful at all. You know, 'truthiness' instead of truth.
At any rate, the 'issues' at work have been driving me bonkers lately. Servers have been crashing (hardware issues) which causes my phone to ring at peculiar times of the day and night (communication issues) which, in turn, deprives me of sleep (coherency issues), which, in turn, makes me cranky (profanity issues).
So what does this have to do with sailing? Ah, I thought you'd never ask.
It has led me to rediscover one of the best features of my boat - its comfortable below deck accommodations, one of the few things that Catalina 30 owners can boast about.
While owners of most other boats will brag about how high their boats can point or what a fantastic turn of speed they have in a breeze, or how they can cut through steep waves and put prodigious miles under their keels in a 24-hour stretch of blue water sailing, Catalina 30 owners have learned to quickly change the subject when such topics come up.
Instead, we talk about our comfortable accommodation.
And this has been a great week for comfortable accommodation. My wife, having suffered many 'issues' at her job lately, too, declared this a 'no-sail' week. It is one of the many compromises we have worked out over the years. There are sailing days or weekends or weeks. And there are 'no sail' days or weekends or weeks - time when we are on the boat but when there are to be no expectations of leaving the slip, feeling the bracing sting of salt spray upon the cheek, or hearing that lovely hiss of bubbles behind us in our wake.
It's just as well, though. This week, I want none of that. Yesterday, there were some regrets, as the weather was warm, sunny, and there was that annoyingly perfect springtime breeze blowing. But today was a day tailor-made for comfortable below deck accommodation. See for yourself:
Leave some comments, if you like. I'd love to hear if there are others who feel no guilt about snoozing below when they might be out sailing. But this week, you'll understand if I take a while to reply.